Container Registries

  • An image registry needs to be part of your container plan

  • More Docker Hub details including auto-build

  • How Docker Store ( is different than Hub

  • How Docker Cloud ( is different than Hub

  • Use new Swarms feature in CLoud to connect to Mac/Win Swarm

  • Install and use Docker Registry as private image store

  • 3rd party registry options

Docker Registry

  • A private image registry for your network

  • Part of the docker/distribution GitHub repo

  • The de facto in private container registries

  • Not as full featured as Hub or others, no web UI, basic auth only

  • At its core: a web API and storage system written in Go

  • Storage supports local, S3/Azure/Alibaba/Google Cloud and OpenStack Swift

  • Secure your Registry with TLS

  • Storage cleanup via Garbage Collection

  • Enable Hub caching via “–registry-mirror”

Private Registry

  • Run the registry image on defalt port 5000

  • Re-tag an existing image and push it to your new registry

  • Remove that image from local cache and pull it from new registry

  • Re-create registry using bind mount and see how it stores data

docker container run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry
docker pull hello-world
docker run hello-world
docker tag hello-world
docker push
docker container rm hello-world
docker image remove hello-world
docker pull
docker container kill registry
docker container rm registry
docker container run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry -v $(pwd)/registry-data:/var/lib/registry registry
docker push
ls /registry-data

Registry and Proper TLS

  • Secure by default: docker wont talk to registry without HTTPS

  • Except localhost

  • For remote self-signed TLS, enable “insecure-registry” in engine

Using Registry with Swarm

  • Works the same way as localhost

  • Because of Routing Mesh, all nodes can see

  • Remember to decide how to store images (volume driver)

  • Note: all nodes must be able to access images

  • ProTip: use hosted SaaS registry if possible