Moving to Declarative YAML¶
kubectl apply¶
Remember the three management approaches?
Let’s skip to full Declarative objects
kubectl apply -f filename.yml
Why skip kubectl create, kubectl replace, kubectl edit?
What I recommend is not equal to all thats possible
Using kubectl apply¶
Create/update resources in a file
kubectl apply -f myfile.yaml
Create/update a whole directory of yaml
kubectl apply -f myyaml/
Create/update from a URL
kubectl apply -f
Be careful, lets look at it first (browser or curl)
curl -L
Kubernetes Configuration YAML¶
Kubernetes config file (YAML or JSON)
Each file contains one or more manifests
Each manifest describes an API object (deployment, job, secret)
Each manifest needs four parts (root key:values in the file)
Building your YAML Files¶
kind: We can get a list of resources the cluster supports
kubectl api-resources
Notice some resoucres have multiple APIs (old vs new)
apiVersion We can get the API versions the cluster supports
kubectl api-versions
metadata: only name is required
spec: Where all the action is at!
Buildng your YAML Spec¶
We can get all the keys each kind supports
kubectl explain services –recursive
kubectl explain services.spec
We can walk through the spec this way
kubectl explain services.spec.type
spec: can have sub spect: of other resources
kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.volumes.nfs.server
We can also use docs
Dry Runs and Diffs¶
dry-run a create (client side only)
kubectl apply -f app.yml –dry-run
dry-run a create/update on server
kubectl apply -f app.yml –server-dry-run
see a diff visually
kubectl diff -f app.yml
Labels and Annotations¶
Labels goes under metadata: in your YAML
Simple list of key: value for identifying your resource later by selecting, grouping, or filtering for it
Common examples include tier: frontend, app: api, env: prod, customer:
Not meant to hold complex, large, or non-identifying info, which is what annotations are for
filter a get command
kubectl get pods -l app=nginx
apply only matching labels
kubectl apply -f myfile.yaml -l app=nginx
Label Selectors¶
The “glue” telling Services and Deployments which pods are theirs
Many resources use Label Selectors to “link” resource dependancies
You’ll see these match up in the Service and Deployment YAML
Use Labels and Selectors to control which pods go to which nodes
Taints and Tolerations also control node placement