Adaptive Security Appliance


# Enable SCP on ASA
ssh scopy enable

# From your host / laptop / desktop / whatever
scp -v asa825-51-k8.bin username@IP_ADDRESS:disk0:asa825-51-k8.bin

# From the ASA
scp -v cisco@ asa822-k8.bin

LDAP Authentication


AAA Authentication via corp-ldap (AD servers). Enable to be kept as LOCAL authentication, otherwise, all AD users will be able to enable.

ASA(config)# no aaa authentication http console LOCAL
ASA(config)# aaa authentication http console corp-ldap LOCAL
ASA(config)# no aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
ASA(config)# aaa authentication ssh console corp-ldap LOCAL


AD Server Becomes Unreachable

Run a preliminary test: we can see the aaa-server is active.

ASA# sh aaa-server corp-ldap
Server Group: corp-ldap
Server Protocol: ldap
Server Hostname:
Server Address: x.x.x.x
Server port: 0
Server status: ACTIVE, Last transaction at 10:28:15 SAST Mon Feb 25 2019

Shutdown inside interface to simulate AD becoming unavailable.

When connecting to the ASA via SSH or HTTPS, the ASA will flag the aaa-server as FAILED.

ASA# test aaa-server authentication corp-ldap username caleb.sargeant
Server IP Address or name:
Password: **************
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address (x.x.x.x) (timeout: 12 seconds)
ERROR: Authentication Server not responding: AAA Server has been removed

ASA# sh aaa-server corp-ldap
Server Group: corp-ldap
Server Protocol: ldap
Server Hostname:
Server Address: x.x.x.x
Server port: 0
Server status: FAILED, Server disabled at 12:28:46 SAST Tue Feb 26 2019

If we unshut the inside interface the ASA flags the aaa-server as ACTIVE again after the first authentication test fails.

ASA# conf t
ASA(config)# int g0/0
ASA(config-if)# no shut
ASA(config-if)# end

ASA# test aaa-server authentication corp-ldap username caleb.sargeant
Server IP Address or name:
Password: **************
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address (x.x.x.x) (timeout: 12 seconds)
ERROR: Authentication Server not responding: AAA Server has been removed

ASA# test aaa-server authentication corp-ldap username caleb.$
Server IP Address or name:
Password: **************
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address (x.x.x.x) (timeout: 12 seconds)
INFO: Authentication Successful

ASA# sh aaa-server corp-ldap
Server Group:  corp-ldap
Server Protocol: ldap
Server Hostname:
Server Address:        x.x.x.x
Server port:   0
Server status:         ACTIVE, Last transaction at 10:28:15 SAST Mon Feb 25 2019

Bind User Gets Deleted

The AD Recycle Bin was enabled and he corp-ldap user was deleted.


Test authentication

ASA# test aaa-server authentication corp-ldap username caleb.sargeant
Server IP Address or name:
Password: **************
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address (x.x.x.x) (timeout: 12 seconds)
ERROR: Authentication Server not responding: AAA Server has been removed

AAA-Server gets marked as FAILED

ASA# sh aaa-server corp-ldap
Server Group:  corp-ldap
Server Protocol: ldap
Server Hostname:
Server Address:        x.x.x.x
Server port:   0
Server status:         FAILED, Server disabled at 13:44:16 SAST Tue Feb 26 2019

Restore the bind user from Deleted Objects in AD


Test authentication again

ASA# test aaa-server authentication corp-ldap username caleb.sargeant
Server IP Address or name:
Password: **************
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address (x.x.x.x) (timeout: 12 seconds)
INFO: Authentication Successful

User Account(s) Get(s) Deleted

This one is obvious. We will be able to log in as a different user. If all users are deleted, we can have the ASA’s inside interface cable be unplugged, or console into the ASA and shut the inside interface (or on the switch). When authenticating with the interface shut, the ASA will flag the aaa-server as FAILED and we will be able to login with root (LOCAL) again. See the above tests for proof.

LDAP Authorization

Authorization Testing

We need to deauthorize other users from accessing the ASA. We will use “John Doe” from Finance to test and change the configuration on the ASA and on AD accordingly. Even though SSH access to the ASA without logging in or enabling is in non-privileged mode, only members in #Infrastructure should be able to access the ASA.

John Doe is allowed to SSH into the ASA, but because we left enable as LOCAL authentication, John Doe is unable to login.

caleb.sargeant@MacBook:~$ ssh's password:
User john.doe logged in to ASA
Logins over the last 34 days: 1.
Failed logins since the last login: 0.
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
ASA> login
Username: john.doe
Password: *********
%Login failed
ERROR: Invalid username

John Doe is allowed to configure the ASA through ASDM


To prevent this, we create a new aaa-server and be more specific with the ldap-base-dn. Only members inside the #Infrastructure OU will be able to log in.

aaa-server asa-ldap protocol ldap
aaa-server asa-ldap (inside) host
  ldap-scope subtree
  ldap-base-dn ou=REDACTED, dc=REDACTED, dc=com
  ldap-login-dn cn=corp-ldap, dc=REDACTED, dc=com
  ldap-login-password **********
  ldap-naming-attribute sAMAccountName
  server-type microsoft

aaa authentication http console asa-ldap LOCAL
aaa authentication ssh console asa-ldap LOCAL


With RADIUS Authentication, we are able to specify which Windows group a user needs to be part of to log in to the ASA.


Configure the aaa-server & enable authentication through RADIUS

aaa-server asa-radius protocol radius
aaa-server asa-radius (inside) host
key *****
authentication-port 1812
accounting-port 1813

no aaa authentication http console LOCAL
aaa authentication http console asa-radius LOCAL
no aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
aaa authentication ssh console asa-radius LOCAL

# View packets
 debug radius all


Add a RADIUS Client

../../_images/asa-radius-aaa-1.png ../../_images/asa-radius-aaa-2.png

Create a Network Policy (skip Connection Request Policy). The Client Friendly Name optional and perhaps not recommended so that we can use one policy for all network devices


Enable only Unencrypted authentication (PAP, SPAP)


NAS Port Type is Virtual (VPN)


Service-Type is Administrative



Intermediate Cert with Key

Create a PKCS #12 Certificate which we will use to import into the ASA:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey -out
Enter Export Password: secret
Verifying - Enter Export Password: secret

To read the certificate:

cat | base64
REDACTED (long string)

On the ASA via CLI (don’t use command nointeractive, which is the default behaviour via ASDM):

ASA/sec/actNoFailover(config)# crypto ca import 2018-10-TrustPoint pkcs12 "secret"

Enter the base 64 encoded pkcs12.
End with the word "quit" on a line by itself:
REDACTED (long string)
% You already have RSA or ECDSA keys named 2018-10-TrustPoint.
% If you replace them, all device certs issued using these keys
% will be removed.
% Do you really want to replace them? [yes/no]: yes

Trustpoint '2018-10-TrustPoint' is a subordinate CA and holds a non self-signed certificate.

Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
INFO: Import PKCS12 operation completed successfully

ASA/sec/actNoFailover(config)# crypto ca trustpoint 2018-10-TrustPoint
ASA/sec/actNoFailover(config-ca-trustpoint)#   revocation-check none
ASA/sec/actNoFailover(config-ca-trustpoint)#   id-usage ssl-ipsec
ASA/sec/actNoFailover(config-ca-trustpoint)#   exit
ASA/sec/actNoFailover(config)# ssl trust-point 2018-10-TrustPoint outside
ASA/sec/actNoFailover(config)# ssl trust-point 2018-10-TrustPoint inside

Now, when connecting to ASA via RA VPN, as long as you are using a hostname (example, you will not receive any certificate errors, because the certificate is being used.

CSR Wildcard

Generate the key

crypto key generate rsa label 2018-10-TrustPoint modulus 2048 noconfirm

Create the Identity Certificate

crypto ca trustpoint 2018-10-TrustPoint
  revocation-check none
  keypair -corp.TrustPoint-2018
  id-usage ssl-ipsec
  subject-name CN=asa,CN=vpn,CN=vpn-out,CN=vpn-in,O=Example,C=US
  enrollment terminal
  no ca-check

Generate the CSR

crypto ca enroll 2018-10-TrustPoint noconfirm
  ASA-generated random stuff
# Copy the generated CSR to your clipboard

Generate a Certificate from the 3rd Party CA

Go to We will be requesting a duplicate wildcard certificate.

  • Paste the ASA-generated CSR into the Add Your CSR field.

  • Input all the hostnames in FQDN format into the Other Hostnames (SANs) field. In this example, I inputted the below, not “”, as per the below screenshot. This should match up with the subject-name command from when we created the Identity Certificate.





  • Select SHA-256 from the Signature Hash drop-down menu.

  • Select Cisco from the Server Platform list.

Install the Certificate from the 3rd Party CA

crypto ca import 2018-10-TrustPoint certificate nointeractive
  DigiCert-generated random stuff

Attach the Certificate to the Interfaces for SSL Authentication

ssl trust-point 2018-10-TrustPoint inside
ssl trust-point 2018-10-TrustPoint outside


# Uptime
sh ver | grep up

# Memory
sh mem | grep Used

sh cpu

# Failover
sh failover state

Host Scan


Host Scan is capable of checking for the following endpoint attributes:

  • Registry

  • File

  • Process

  • AntiVirus

  • AntiSpyware

  • Personal Firewall

DAP is capable of checking for the following endpoint attributes:

  • Anti-Spyware (through Host Scan)

  • Anti-Virus (through Host Scan)

  • AnyConnect (version, platform, etc.)

  • Application (VPN Application type, eg. AnyConnect or Clientless SSL)

  • File (through Host Scan)

  • Device (Host Name, MAC Address, BIOS Serial Number, etc)

  • NAC (Posture Status)

  • Operating System

  • Personal Firewall (through Host Scan)

  • Multiple Certificate Authentication (when MCA is the authentication method for AnyConnect)

  • Policy ( ? )

  • Process (through Host Scan)

  • Registry (through Host Scan)

The below guide demonstrates how to install and configure Host Scan & modifying the matching DAP policies on Cisco ASA. We will be enabling Host Scan to check if the endpoint has been added to the domain. For Windows, the best way of doing this is for Host Scan to check the registry setting for the DomainName value. On Mac, the only way (/best way) of doing this is for Host Scan to check that a file exists. There are no official methods of checking that a Mac has been added to the domain through Host Scan, as Macs get added to the domain through a 3rd party application (like Centrify) to Cisco.

Enabling Host Scan

First upload the image, then enable hostscan:

hostscan image disk0:/hostscan_4.3.05047-k9.pkg
hostscan enable

Host Scan Configuration

Add a Basic Host Scan item:



n ASDM, add a Basic Host Scan item under Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Secure Desktop Manager > Host Scan > Basic Host Scan > Add > Registry:

Entry Path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\Datastore\Machine\0\DomainName


In ASDM, add a Basic Host Scan item under Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Secure Desktop Manager > Host Scan > Basic Host Scan > Add > File:

File Path: /Applications/Utilities/Centrify/AD

Dynamic Access Policy Configuration

In ASDM, add one group for Windows and one group for Mac, per policy entry. Then add an endpoint attribute per DAP policy.

We have to duplicate the DAP Policies, creating one policy for Mac and one for Windows, because when the endpoint connects through VPN, the ASA compares the endpoint’s attributes against each DAP Policy. We, unfortunately, cannot add a File and Registry endpoint attribute and modify the Logical Operation to “or” instead of “and”. The only way we can change the Logical Operation to “and”, is to have multiple of the same endpoint attribute per policy, however, this would be nonsensical, as the File endpoint attribute is only applicable to Mac (in our case) and the Registry endpoint attribute is only applicable to Windows.



Endpoint Attribute Type: Registry

Value: string =


Endpoint Attribute Type: File=

Capture File Download

Go to https://IPADDRESS/CONTEXT/capture/CAPTURENAME/pcap (Delete /context if a single context)


### ASA1
# Setup failover interface
conf t
hostname ASA1
failover lan unit pri
int g0/6
no shut

# Assign failover IP Address
failover lan int FAILOVER g0/6
failover int ip FAILOVER standby
failover key MySecretKey
failover link FAILOVER

# Configure Outside IP Address on ASA1
int g0/4
ip add standby
nameif outside1
no shut

# Configure Inside IP Address on ASA1
int g0/0
ip add standby
nameif inside1
security-level 100
no shut

# Enable failover

### ASA2
# Setup failover interface
conf t
hostname ASA2
failover lan unit secondary
int g0/6
no shut
failover lan int FAILOVER g0/6

# Assign failover IP Address
failover int ip FAILOVER standby
failover key MySecretKey
failover link FAILOVER

# Enable failover

Site to Site VPN

# Show tunnel uptime show vpn-sessiondb detail l2l filter ipaddress PEERADDRESS | i Conn|Dur # Re-establish tunnel (be careful!) Clear ipsec sa peer PEERADDRESS

Tunnel Establishing in ASDM
