Securely Managing Cisco ASA Devices

Out of Band Management

Out of Band Management Networks

  • Network dedicated for the management of network devices

  • Access in/out of network restricted by ACLs

    • Define which traffic will need to leave network

    • Some management networks will be completely self contained

  • Size of management network determined by size of the organization

Management Interfaces on the ASA

Management Interfaces

  • Dedicated management interface

  • Logically divides router

  • Segments traffic

Globo-ASA(config)# interface Management 0/0
Globo-ASA(config-if)# ip address
Globo-ASA(config-if)# nameif MGMT
Globo-ASA(config-if)# no shut
Globo-ASA(config-if)# Management-only
Globo-ASA(config-if)# exit

Globo-ASA(config)# show route Management-only

Routing Table: MgMt-only
Codes: L local, C • connected, S static, R RIP. M Mobile, B BGP
    D EIGRP. EX EIGRP external. 0 OSPF IA OSPF inter area
    N1 OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 OSPF NSSA external type 2
    E1 OSPF external type 1, E2 OSPF external type 2, U UPN
    i - IS-IS, Su IS-IS summary, L1 IS-IS level-1, L2 IS-IS level-2
    ia - IS-IS inter area, * candidate default, U per-user static route
    0 - ODR, P periodic downloaded static route. replicated route
Gateway of last resort is not set

C is directly connected, MGMT
L is directly connected, MGMT

Configuring SSH and HTTPS Access on an ASA

Globo-ASA(config)# domain-name
Globo-ASA(config)# crypto key generate rsa Modulus 2048
Globo-ASA(config)# ssh version 2
Globo-ASA(config)# ssh key-exchange group dh-group14-sha1
Globo-ASA(config)# username kinda password Globo123 privilege 15
Globo-ASA(config)# enable password Globo123
Globo-ASA(config)# ssh MGMT
Globo-ASA(config)# http server enable
Globo-ASA(config)# http MGMT

Cisco ASDM

ASDM Overview

  • Adaptive Security Device Manager

  • GUI used to manage the ASA

  • Requires java

  • Download from or the ASA

ASDM - preview commands before sending to device

ASDM - preview commands before sending to device