Introduction to MPLS

What is MPLS?

  • Multi-Protocol Label Switching is a new paradigm in the way routers make forwarding decisions.

  • Multiprotocol: MPLS is capable of transporting many L2 and L3 protocols

  • Label Switching: Packets are switched based on labels, not destination IP!

  • Labels - Ultimately determine the destiny of a packet through an MPLS network


  • Unified network infrastructure

  • ATM concepts integrated into an IP world

  • Scalable and secure L3 VPNs using a peer-to-peer model

  • BGP-free core

  • Traffic engineering capabilities

  • WAN Quality of Service (QoS) requirements

MPLS Key Terms

MPLS Labels

  • MPLS is often described as a shim or layer 2.5 protocol

  • An MPLS packet contains a label stack, consisting of one or more MPLS labels

  • Label - the MPLS label itself, determines destiny of the packet

  • EXP- Experimental (not so much any more), used for QoS markings

  • S - Boolean, if set to 1, it’s bottom of the label stack. If 0, there’s another label on the stack

  • TTL - Time-to-live for loop prevention and hop count (as it is in IP)

Push vs Pop vs Swap - The swap operation means that the top label in the label stack is replaced with another - The push operation means that the top label is replaced with another and then one or more additional labels are pushed onto the label stack - The pop operation means that the top label is removed

Label Switched Routers

  • A label switched router (LSR) is a router running MPLS

  • LSR can be an ingress edge, intermediate or egress edge LSR

  • A Label Switched Path (LSP) is the series of LSRs that switch a labeled packet


Forwarding Equivalency Class (FEC)

  • Group of packets that are forwarded the same way through the MPLS network

  • Every packet in the same FEC enters the MPLS network with the same label

  • FEC can theoretically be based on many different things L3 destination prefix, QoS, L2 PVC, BGP next-hop, TE tunnel, link color, etc…